My Blog
Organised Ramblings on Entrepreneurship, Tech & Social Media
Release: Strategic Investment into Supermama Brand posted by RW | 4 years ago
I am pleased to announce that I have made a strategic investment into the Supermama brand, and will be joining their board of directors.
Wendy the person, and Xiaxue the blogger. posted by RW | 5 years ago
Many of you would have heard by now, the news that Clicknetwork dropped Xiaxue aka Wendy as a host for their channel.
My reply to “Hong Kong is a better bet than Singapore”: A rising tide should raise all ships posted by Ming Shen Cheo | 5 years ago
I read with amusement, Peter G De Krassel’s article on the SCMP today. And decided to dust the cobwebs off my blog and stretch my finger tips a little.
The “nanny” behind RutoSocial, Netccentric & Bossming posted by Ming Shen Cheo | 5 years ago
The cat is out of the bag, and this article was published on Marketing Interactive today.
Release: Cheo Ming Shen wins Summary Judgement and Appeal in High Court Suit against Netccentric Limited posted by Ming Shen Cheo | 7 years ago