My Blog
Organised Ramblings on Entrepreneurship, Tech & Social Media
Joining The New Savvy as Advisor posted by Ming Shen Cheo | 7 years ago
Hello, much neglected space.
Goodbye my Lover … posted by Ming Shen Cheo | 7 years ago
So I guess the Time has come to say goodbye.
Is Facebook a monopoly, and why should we care? posted by Ming Shen Cheo | 8 years ago
I recently had a conversation with an acquaintance who is working in the social media space.
It doesnt take a genius to figure out AI CAN be dangerous posted by Ming Shen Cheo | 8 years ago
So unless you have been stuck under a rock (i.e., Not on facebook), you would have read by now that Facebook had to shut down an AI programme because the two chatbots had created a language between themselves.
Entrepreneurial Lessons from my Wife @pattyinnit posted by Ming Shen Cheo | 8 years ago
I’m not sure how many of you know this. But my wife, Patty is an Entrepreneur. She designs and runs (along with her sister, Furn) her own fashion label, innitBangkok which recently launched a retail store in Singapore @ 13 Ann Siang Road.